Wednesday, November 8, 2006

my absence

The reason I haven't really posted in here is because I think there is someone reading whom I don't know about. An acquaintance, maybe, but definitely not someone whom I personally told about this blog's existence. And I can't come up with a new name for this space. So I'm going on a sabbatical.


PW said...

Ok, sorry. U can change ur name, but if it makes u feel any better, I'll just stop reading ur blogs because u clearly have a tracker.

We've never been acquainted. I stumbled on CA one day and thought it was an awesome blog. Then I started reading Pandex and some other blogs that u recommended, which are really good also. I started reading Mini when she made a comment on Pandex's blog, but I didn't realize it's the same blogger until I read far back enough to the story of the dude trying to pick her up while she was text messaging.

So yeah, I figured it out. But don't freak out. I'm not going to like come harass you or anything.

No need to reply. I'm outta here. And you can delete this comment too.

Pandax said...

Hmmm, yeah, it's tough to know who's looking. I've had a bit more traffic lately as well. But I can understand your concerns are a little closer to home.