Friday night RC and I decided that we ought to break up, for real this time. I should also mention that this is about the third time we have had this conversation, or something similar. After that initial breakup, we never officially ever got back together, but we've decided to break up twice more. Okay, it sounds stupid, I know, but it is what it is.
So Friday night was the matter-of-fact breakup, after having exhausted the angry breakup and the cordial breakup and the I-can't-go-on-like-this breakup. We sat down (I brought up the subject) and just basically decided that we can't really make it as a couple in the long run, so let's just be friends. Neither one of us really saw long-term potential, so we decided that it would be best to end it. It was like a peace agreement, or a friendly agreement to be friends.
I did ask him what breaking up meant, since it obviously hasn't ever really worked for us in the past, and he said breaking up meant no more intimate stuff, but we'll still hang out and enjoy our common interests. Okay, seems clear enough. Except we were getting up early the next morning to go snowboarding, so he still stayed over.
When we woke up the next morning, he kissed me good morning and we lounged in bed for half an hour. I joked that friends don't kiss each other, and he laughed. On the drive back from the slopes, we stopped at a little sub joint. As I munched down my steak-and-cheese, I said to him, "We're not so good at breaking up, are we?" He laughed some more and said "no, we're not." I invited him over for tonight, but only because we drove my car, and he had all his equipment and extra clothes in it, and he was feeling unwell so he wanted to be able to get to a bed and sleep asap, and it would have been too much trouble to take him home and help him unload everything. (Okay, who am I kidding, that was more of an excuse).
So he chuckled, agreed, came over, and we both say it'll be the last night. We're on good terms; we're laughing about our breaking up; it's all good. He was tired, so he went straight to bed after we got home. I watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy and debated whether or not to go to a party. Ultimately, I decided to go because I reminded myself that I've been trying to make a point to not be afraid to do things or go places by myself, that I don't have to go to a party with a friend. I can go by myself because I know the hosts, and I can meet new friends there.
Okay, so I decided to go, the second party in the past month that I've just gone to by my self, without stressing about which friend to drag along with me. I ended up having a great time, partly because I met someone ... Earlier today, I had already thought to post about RC and my funny breakup, but now that I'm actually posting, there turns out to be a third character in the story.
We'll call him Econ Guy because he studies economics. I met him at the party as the friend of a friend's boyfriend. After a friendly doubles game of foosball, Econ Guy and I got to be chatting by ourselves. After some 30-40 minutes of exclusively talking to Econ Guy, we found out that we actually have a common friend. I went to high school with her, and he went to college with her. This makes it a little complicated because she was with me New Year's Eve earlier this year when RC was down in Ctown visiting me back home.
This didn't stop me from lingering slightly after I said that I was planning to head out, and he took the bait immediately and asked for my number. I gave it to him, but not without making a mental note that I hope he doesn't talk to our mutual friend....
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