Tuesday, May 15, 2007

i think this is how easy it's supposed to be

My recreational ultimate team has our league tournament coming up this weekend. It's always an all-day affair. I mentioned it to GB last night (Gchat Boy, or Great Britain, depending on your fancy), and half-jokingly asked in a cutesy way, "Do you wanna come be a spectator at my tournament?"

To my surprise, he very automatically said "Yeah, definitely, I'll come to your tournament." I then tried to deter him with all kinds of potential hurdles: "well, it's all day", "well, it's not in the city", "well, you have to drive a ways out there".

Still with no hesitation, no wishy-washyness, he rejected all my hurdles. So easy. He just wants to come out and support me in something that I love to do.

This reminds me of two years ago when I did my first triathlon. I asked Key if he would come cheer on me and my relay team. His first reaction was "Why? What am I going to do there? I'm just going to stand there on the side of the street looking like an idiot waiting for the one split second your teammates run by."

I think GB's reaction is the way that it should be. I shouldn't be fighting to get the support of someone who claims to love me.

1 comment:

discipleassisi said...

you are correct and that is awesome :)