Wednesday, November 28, 2007

no summer frisbee?

I met with my boss this afternoon to discuss 1) my current (lack of) progress, and 2) where I'm headed, project-wise and person-wise. My contract is due to expire sometime in 2009 (right now it's for June, but it can probably be extended a few months easily if I wanted), so I have to start thinking about just what it is that I want to do with myself post-cushy-job-contract.

Haphazardly, I decided a few months ago that I would like to look into a more policy-driven position, perhaps even government policy down in DC. So today's meeting with my boss was when I planned to drop the bomb that I may 1) cut my contract short before 2009, or more probable, 2) take a few months' (most likely summer + part of fall) leave of absence to try a policy stint in DC.

The Boss was supportive, as I expected (bless me for at least having decent supervisors to work for), which just means that I now can't use "tough boss" as an excuse for not getting off my butt and finding a stint, which means I probably do have to think this through rather thoroughly:

1) This would mean some months of separation from Broadway and a short-term long-distance relationship. The couple of times I've bounced the idea off of him, he'd expressed general unhappiness about my needing to be absent from Big City.

2) Summer time is prime FUN frisbee season, as opposed to the competitive fall and spring seasons. I can't believe this is even a factor, but I have a serious mental block for leaving Big City during the summer because I want to play frisbee here. I love my summer team, and given my contract ending in 2009, this may even be my last summer in Big City and thus last chance to play with this team.

So the question really is whether I value my long-term career ahead of frisbee (oh, and Broadway)?

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