Sunday, December 23, 2007

how should i be reacting?

In my last confessions post, I linked to the Gentleman Gigolo blog, one that I had discovered recently and read religiously. Catching up on all my blogs today, I find out that Ethan, the Gentleman Gigolo, is dead. No joke. He ODed at a holiday party, so says a friend who posted on the blog soliciting help from readers in finding Ethan's family contact. (How did the friend have access to his blog?)

I didn't know Ethan, certainly, but the news hit me as if he were someone I knew for real. I certainly didn't regard it as matter-of-factly as I would a complete stranger in the obituaries, but then it feels so weird to react so familially to the death of an anonymous blogger I found on the internet. The situation is made even more awkward by the fact that I masturbated to his words just a couple of days ago. I am confused by the stark contrast of how I looked forward to new posts on his blog to serve as erotic turn-ons just this morning to the hard fact that the author of those words are now forever gone.

Life can be so strange sometimes.

2 comments: said...

I was a faithful reader of his as well, and have googled his name and came up with your blog. So sad. I emailed that friend when he posted his email address just to send my thoughts and warm wishes his way. Ethan was a great writer, I too masterbated to what he wrote. He livened up my sex drive, thrust my imagination into overdrive and helped my sexuality crisis. I will forever be in debt to him. I think that is why it hits us so hard, becasue we are connected to him since we touched ourselves so erotically while reading what he wrote.

Seine said...

Jessica: that's so true. The whole situation's rather weird, and I almost feel shameful for having used his blog in that way ... though that was probably what Ethan intended the blog to be for :)