Thursday, December 13, 2007

I don't understand

After the stolen gloves incident, I went around to several outdoors shops around town to buy replacement ones. I wanted black gloves in a wind-blocking fleece material, basically exactly like my last pair. Most stores had the exact gloves that I wanted, for *gulp* ~$20. Okay, whatever, I'll shell out serious cash for serious gloves, especially when there's snow falling out of the sky at today's alarming rates.

The problem was that no store had glvoes in my size. Even as I was prepared to pay for serious gloves, there were no serious gloves to be had. They simply don't ever come in women's size small, seemingly.

Searching through the entire shelf of gloves at all 5 of the stores I went to, there would be plenty of L, XL, quite a few mediums, but never any smalls. Why is that? Are most people buying smalls? Or are smalls so rare that they don't usually stock many? Just how many people need XL gloves?

I just don't get it. None of this helps the whole frustrating experience of getting my gloves stolen in Whole Foods. WTF?

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