Thursday, January 3, 2008

time to be responsible

I fly back tomorrow and start work again on Monday, after having spent almost two weeks with my parents. Sadly, there will be no more sleeping in until noon, no more staying up until 3/4/5am, no more daily blogging, no more reading books all day long, no more lounging on the couch surfing the web (doing absolutely nothing), no more peace and solitude, and no more time with my parents for another 11.5 months.

Most of all, I will miss the relative disconnectivity with the rest of the world that I've had, being able to isolate myself yet be someplace completely familiar and comfortable, being able to fill my days 100% with the people and things that I care about.

Obligations, difficult people, and general uninvited mayhem dilute out so much of the rest of the year, it's nice to shirk off responsibilities for a couple of weeks. With most everyone else also taking time off from work during the holidays, there really aren't even any consequences.

People are generally forgiving about reponse delays, and the chances of having to do any crisis management upon returning are low. I'm not in my usual stress-manic state returning from vacation.

Most uplifting of all, there won't be an overflowing inbox welcoming me back Monday morning. I feel better already :)

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