Tuesday, February 5, 2008

no news is good news

Isn't that how the saying goes?

By the end of the weekend, Broadway decided that things can be okay. He looked me in the eye and said, "You are still the same person. You're still beautiful. I still love you."

He said he needed some time for things to be perfect again, but in the meantime, things will be okay.

I'm sory for not posting earlier. Thanks to everyone for hanging on to your seats :) I have gone back to all of your wonderful support so many times these past few days, and they have made the days more bearable.


daisy said...

Glad to hear you guys worked it out. I don't know if I could have been so brave! :)

geekhiker said...

I'm a bit late to the party on this one, so I hope you'll forgive me.

I think the two of you will be okay. You made a mistake and, let's face it, humans do that. Yes, it would be lovely to think that we can all go through life thinking and acting in only rational ways, unencumbered by emotion or physical desire or anything else that sways us. But, no, that's not the way we work. Given the state of things between you two at the time, his behavior and your anticipation of where things were going, well, you're human.

I think, and hope, that he will fully come to terms with things and will be okay with it. And more importantly, I hope that you begin to forgive yourself. :)