Saturday, October 18, 2008

wrapping up the week

I now measure my weeks based on TV shows. I shouldn't have time to watch TV (there's always more work to be done), but I somehow always make time. It's made easier by bittorrent--I download the shows to my computer and watch whenever it is convenient for me. Still, it's a bit of a shocker that I have no picked up 7, yes seven, shows that I download and watch weekly. It just goes to show how much I suck in the self-control department.

So I now measure the "busyness" of my weeks by how many episodes of TV I have remaining, unwatched, on my computer by Sunday. This 1) reflects how much "free" time I had during the week, and 2) how many deadlines I actually had that I couldn't procrastinate through. This second point is important. Really, I never should be watching TV, but I always procrastinate work by watching a show (and then another and then another).

Two weeks ago, I was twiddling my thumbs on Thursday because I had no more shows left on my computer. By Thursday that week, I had spent 7 hours watching TV (well maybe a little less since the bittorrent files don't have commercials). That was a light week, or at least a week when a lot of things could be punted.

By comparison, this week, I still have 5 shows left to watch, and it's Saturday night. That gives you an idea what kind of week this one has been. No "free" time, and not even any time to procrastinate.

I did find a new hero (there's always time for web surfing, right?). His name is Ben Dorn, and he lives right here in Boston. I found him via, and his pumpkin is here. The site is cute, and the people who send in their carved pumpkins are cute. But Ben Dorn beyond cute. Ben Dorn is my hero. Before Ben Dorn, I didn't even know shading was an option on pumpkins.

I have to admit that I did some facebook stalking of Ben Dorn. It seems that Ben is somewhat the Michael Phelps of pumpkin carving (isn't that comparison all the rage these days?) and a Red Sox Fan. Speaking of the Red Sox, they're winning Game 6, and it's bottom of the 8th.

In more productive news, my job interview took place Friday. I met with two people, back to back. The first interview was a bit shaky, definitely not stellar, but hopefully passable. The second one was super good, I thought, but then it's always hard to tell as the interviewee, isn't it?

At least this time, they won't make us wait long. The final round of interviews is next Thursday, so I should find out on Monday whether or not I made it. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one ... *sigh* if only the first interview had also gone swimmingly.


Gabe said...

I have had a couple interviews that haven't been stellar and still ended up with the job, so maybe this will be the case for you, too! Good luck!

geekhiker said...

I'm betting the interview went better than you thought it did. It always seems, when you're the interviewee, whatever slight mistakes in the interview are magnified tenfold!