Burg was this boy I fell hard for, for a long time. I first met Burg when I came up north a few years ago. I started at the end of August, and he was in my same company and had started a couple of years ahead of me. The first time I met him, I remember thinking to myself, "Wow, he's really cute. Too bad I'm getting married to Engineer
." Engineer requires a whole back-story of his own, which will come in due time on this blog.
At some point later that year, I got a sense that Burg may be interested in me, but I was so happily attached to the man of my dreams that I felt sorry for Burg that he was liking someone in vain. And of course, I still thought he was extremely cute, athletic, outdoorsy. All in all, a perfect guy for me if I weren't planning to get married. To someone else.
I started liking Burg the next summer. Engineer had decided that I wasn't important enough for him to stay in town for the summer and took a short-stint job down in DC. By this point, I had been up north for about a year, and with very similar interests, Burg and I ended up having quite a few mutual friends within our company and we had plenty of run-ins that summer.
The most memorable run-in was a camping trip we all took together with some mutual friends. There were two cars going, but we got separated on the drive up. I was in Burg's car with two others, and we got to the campsite first. Being that it was really late and that we were all tired, we went ahead and pitched tents to sleep instead of waiting for the other car. There were two tents for 4 people, and the other two people were kinda sorta dating, so that left me and Burg to sleep in a 2-person tent together. For those not tent-trained, a 2-person tent has a base about the size of a full-size bed. Nothing happened, but I think there was a whole lot of unspoken sexual tension and temptation on both of our parts.
My feelings for Burg grew and grew and grew, and while I harp a lot on religion as the breaking factor for Engineer and me, my lack of exclusive interest for Engineer was also a reason. When Engineer and I broke up in October, I happened to be at a meeting the next day with Email Boy. After the meeting, he went with me and a friend of mine to the nearby pub for some beers. There, I spilled the beans that Engineer and I had broken up, definitely well aware of the fact that I was making sure Burg knew I was now single and not attached.
Thus started a series of dates-that-never-were. At the time, I was in a office that was actually down the hall from him. Granted, it was a long hallway, and we were at opposite ends, but you would think being on the same floor would have been a plus in our favor to develop something. To make a long story short, we sent multiple-page emails to each other at least once a day for about a month, and finally saw a movie together. It was a film that he wanted to see, and he originally also invited two mutual friends along. The two friends had the intuition to not come, so the movie ended up being a "date" with just Burg and me.
All in all, after a month plus of sending emails, I got tired. He never made a move, and all of our communication was always on email. He gave me a book as a present; he got me truffles; he scheduled an ice skating thing around my schedule, skipping a day when I was out of town. Basically, he showed interested, but never acted on interest.
This all came crashing down sometime in January when he asked me to have a talk. This was some 1.5 months after all the ridiculous emailing started. When we sat down to talk, he basically said that he never made a move beyond email because he was scared of commitment. He told a mutual friend over the summer (the same summer we slept in the same tent together) that I'm the kind of girl he sees himself marrying. So when I became available, he was scared that I would be the last relationship that he would ever be in, and he wasn't sure he was ready for that.
"Oh, and by the way, I'm seeing another girl."
F-ing A. He strung me along this whole time just to tell he he's now seeing another girl? He kept emphasizing that she wasn't his girlfriend, and that they've only been on a couple of dates ... but that he liked her better because he didn't know anything about her, whereas we were friends, and he would lose a friend if things didn't work out between us. Since he wasn't one to date multiple girls at the same time, he really thought he should talk to me and tell me that things wouldn't ever lead anywhere between us.
For the longest time, I imagined that he was dating some brunette bombshell (not blonde, somehow I don't think he's into blondes). A few months later, I found out that the girl is Asian, and has quite a slutty personality. Burg and Slut Asian dated and dated and dated more seriously, all while I went through two boyfriends, countless 1st/2nd dates, all of which flopped. Not to mention that when he started dating Slut Asian, he was 26/27, and she wasn't even allowed to drink legally.
I'm not bitter.