Thursday, February 28, 2008

neglect, neglect, and more neglect!

Broadway and I are leaving in about 30 minutes for the airport for a tropical vacation :) Getting up to now though has essentially been work, work, and more work with not much downtime for the past couple of weeks.

When I return in a week, I promise to report on great adventures abroad as well as complain more in excruciating detail about my coworkers, friends, frisbee, relationship(s), bridesmaids dramas, and other non-trivial things barring me from enjoying my super important life.

Most of all, I look forward to catching up on all of your blogs! I know work is bad when I don't even have time to procrastinate (read blogs).


geekhiker said...

Have *trying not to be jealous, trying not to be jealous, trying not to be jealous* a great time! :D

Roxy said...

Have Fun!