Tuesday, November 3, 2009

really mature

The Doctor who I avoid at all costs de-friended me on Facebook. WTF? I want to say it's no big deal, and it isn't a big deal, but I'm kinda offended. I wouldn't defriend him, and I'm more upset than anything that I can't facebook stalk him anymore (that's how mature I am, I know).

I was supposed to go to this Halloween party on Saturday (and Broadway was planning to come with me), but by the time I got home from lab around 11:30pm, I just wanted to veg out on the couch. I felt kinda bad because I told my friend (party host) that I would go, but I knew he would understand.

Many other friends went to the party, and one in particular posted some facebook pictures from her camera, and one is of her and the Doctor. Then I was glad that I didn't go to the party, especially with Broadway in tow. I can't imagine that being a good situation for anyone given all the history.

Then I was curious as to what the Doctor has been up to recently and went to his facebook page. Imagine my surprise when it showed that we were no longer friends. I had actually just looked at some recent pictures of his maybe a couple of months ago, so I know his defriending me is relatively recent. In that time period, I also changed my relationship status to being engaged. I wonder if that had anything to do with his defriending me.

That relationship was indeed rather fucked up, and I'm sure he feels as strongly as I do about not wanting to talk to or see the other person. But the defriending feels to me like a bit of a "fuck you," and I'm offended.

It is what it is. Whatever.


geekhiker said...

First of all: Dude! You're alive! :D

I always wonder about defriending: is one more hurt because they were defreinded, or because they didn't get to do it first? Hmmmm...

I have no idea what to tell you about the whole thing. The problem with online relationships (of any sort) is that so many things can be misinterpreted. Is he seeing someone now who got jealous that you were still shown as a friend, and told him to remove you? There's always an unknown backstory to these things...

Roxy said...

It is hurtful, but only because you know about it. Really it's no different from deleting the ex from your phone or tossing old pictures.

It's part of his way of getting closure. I think you'll get over it quickly as you've got a great guy!