Sunday, August 29, 2010

well it's not over

Teammate has completely gone off the deep end with her stuff, getting extremely mad at Work Women for not accommodating her needs. I don't really understand, so I am in general staying out of things. But then today, I happen to look on Teammate's Facebook page, and it is full of negative, nasty, angry rants toward Work Women. I feel these are wholly unjustified, so maybe I am taking sides. Ugh.

In other news, I went to a party last night with some Friendly Frisbee People. FFP should totally be an acronym. I saw some folks I hadn't seen in a while, and met some new people. Mostly, I chatted with this guy who I played on the same team with earlier this summer at a beach tournament. He was pretty quiet, but super nice at the tournament. At the party, the told me a tons more about himself, and it was all very interesting. I left thinking maybe he would be interested in me.

Today, I got the below email from him:

Hi Seine,
I'm glad we got to hang out at the party last night. I'd suspected you might be kinda awesome. I'd definitely like to get together with you sometime soon, but this week promised to be just shy of full-tilt manic ....
I noticed on Facespace (by coincidence) that you're away this weekend. Can I promise to give you a call later this week, when you have a phone*, so we can make plans?

And now I feel trapped again by HB. This was the feeling I had before. I feel like I wasn't ready to give up my single life yet, and committing to him forced me to do so. At some point a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to write in here and exclaim, "REMEMBER WHAT THIS FEELS LIKE!! I WANT TO BE WITH HB FOREVER!!"

But obviously, I never got around to writing it. And it's unclear how much that would have actually helped me. I definitely feel more trapped today than I do most days, and maybe it's the temptations offered by this innocent email of simple attraction from a not-unattractive male.

*yes, I lost my phone this past week and in the process of procuring a new one.


daisy said...

Given your various issues with HB, and the distance, is it at all possible that you just put your relationship on hiatus until you are in the same place (geographically) (if in fact that ever happens)? Or will he absolutely not go for that?

GeekHiker said...

I guess I commented on the previous post too soon. Sheesh.

Finally, a girl who admits to "commitment issues". ;)

Kidding aside, this is always the problem with LD relationships: when you're not looking for it, temptation wanders in. I don't have any sage advice. If you feel a strong connection to HB, then you really just have to deny yourself the joy of instant gratification. But remember: don't beat yourself up too much just because you're temped by what's in front of you vs. what's very far away. That's pretty natural.